Investor Name:
Published Date:
1 January, 1970
About Project

Basic engineering thermomechanical installation for dosing high oleic oil to mixers 1-2.

Detail Engineering installation line aseptic packaging for tomato paste.

Detail engineering installation for automatic corn husking.

Detail engineering for the design of industrial ventilation installations and pipes for distribution and supply of general services to new flexo equipment engraved in the Converflex Plant, Lujan.

Thermal load study and adaptation project work environment in Baradero plant to Occupational Health and Safety Law 19,587 under ISO Standard 7730.

Detail Engineering installation against fire Plant Bagley Salto.

Thermal load study and work environment adaptation project at the Stirenos San Luis plant to the Occupational Health and Safety Law 19,587.

Detail Engineering thermo mechanical installation heating industrial areas scrap and dressing Plant Styrenes.

Balance of thermal loads and cold bench chiller replacement evaluation.

Expansion of oil extraction plant SPD San ​​Luis Estirenos Plant.

Detail Engineering installation against fire Plant Frutos de Cuyo. San Juan.

Detail Engineering Room for battery recharge Bagley Salto Plant.

Basic Engineering Survey Installation Cold Water Stirenos Plant-  SAN LUIS.

Detail Engineering Installation of Industrial Water Plant Bagley Villa Mercedes-  SAN LUIS.

Detail Engineering Installation Steam / Condensate Bagley Villa Mercedes Plant –  SAN LUIS.

Detail engineering Installation of Bagley Villa Mercedes Air Conditioning Plant – Stage 1 ” Adaptation of water ring cooling system (30 GX) Villa Mercedes Plant